This site is a guide for making sure that staff are enrolled properly and should there be an occasion where staff need to be disciplined then all the correct information is at hand. It is vital to the business that staff are treated fairly at all times and that the correct procedure is in place and followed should the need arise.
Use the email button should you have and questions regarding induction, or disciplinary. Please use this, as getting it wrong could be detrimental to the business.
New Starters
The new starter needs to be sent the want to work for us? form.
If you are happy to employ the applicant, then they will need to go online to the health and safety site and read all info and complete the acceptance form located at the top of the page.
Fire safety training and your responsibilities.
As a manager, you will be responsible in appointing the relevant people to ensure that in the event of a fire, everyone knows their responsibilities and positions.
The fire evacuation procedures are tailored to your specific venues and you will need to have read and understood them, if you are not clear what to do, then please speak to Scott Smith or the director.
You will need to appoint supervisors at your venue and if applicable door supervisors, they will need to know their rolls in the event of a fire and will need to know where the relevant evacuation point is.
You will be expected to constantly ensure that any staff that are in a supervisors role that leave are replaced and the new supervisor understands what their responsibilities are in the event of a fire.
You may be audited from time to time so that we can be confident that you are ensuring the safety of the staff and the venue in the event of a fire.
You will be expected to carry out alarm testing and emergency light testing and complete the relevant forms and hand into the accounts office monthly, if you do not have a PDF copy of this form, contact
Incident reporting.
All managers have to record any incidents that occur in your venue. This may include accidents, thefts or fights. All staff in a position of responsibility, need to know how to use this form and how to locate it. It is your responsibility as a manager to ensure that the relevant staff are shown how to access it and how to use it. If you are not present on site when an incident occurs, then relevant staff need to know that you are to be informed. The link to Incident reporting is at the top of the page.
Disciplinary Information.
All information regarding disciplinary action is on the staff website, the section on this shows examples of what is deemed as warnings/dismissal. In all cases, I require to be notified when there are issues with staff. I will guide you on what action to take and how to take this action.
*Key points to remember, always investigate the reason why the staff member is being invited to a disciplinary meeting, email me with what you have found. Invite the staff member to a meeting, (Letter below, get them to sign a copy of invitation letter, scan it and email to me and accounts). Allow them a day or two should they require it, meet and discuss, let them explain their actions and take notes (email me with what has been said). Then make a choice as how to proceed, warning, final warning or dismissal or no further action.
Dismissal during probationary period letter.
Invitation to disciplinary meeting letter.
Whatever letter is sent, sign it, scan it and email it to staff member, and me. Phone the staff member and inform them of what action you have decided to take and why, and when you have done this, email me to confirm that you have contacted them, if they do not answer leave a message telling them of the action and that they are free to contact you and that you have emailed them the appropriate letter.
*Please remember, if you are unsure of anything with regards the above process, you must contact me.